Stay with All About Homestay
Information for Students
All About Homestay offers a diverse range of host families for students to stay with. You could be offered a large, small or single family of many cultural backgrounds. We do our best to match your needs with the families we have available within a 1-hour travel time to the educational institution.
We don’t like our students to travel too far or for too long to get to university or their destination as it just makes their day longer and they are at risk of getting lost on their journey.
Your family may have pets, as it is very common in Australia for families to have cats and/or dogs as pets. In all cases, these pets are friendly, otherwise, we wouldn’t have the families hosting our students for us.
Care for Under 18s
All About Homestay specialises in the care of Under 18s. Students aged under 18 years of age on arrival will require a host who can offer a “carer” role instead of their parents whilst studying in Australia. We have many hosts who can provide this service across our network.
We know from information gathered from our students that becoming familiar with the local area and finding their way to school or university can be stressful in a new country – this is where our experienced and capable hosts make the difference. All About Homestay uses a higher degree of care by placing under 18 students with our most experienced hosts. We ensure that these hosts are as close as possible to the university to reduce your travel time and the risk of students getting lost.
Under 18 Students are offered homestay hosts that are within 30 minutes of travel time to their place of study on one mode of transport only. Students under 18 should not be catching buses and trains and running to make connections. Usually, classes start at 8.30 am, and we try to facilitate the students getting to class on time and stress-free so that they can concentrate on their studies.
We deliver ongoing support for students that can only be found at All About Homestay. All About Homestay has a unique approach to caring for students under 18, contact our staff for more information.

All About Homestay and Cultural Diversity
Based on Australia’s diversity of cultures, languages and religions, All About Homestay works hard to ensure our hosts are representative of this diversity. That doesn’t mean we are able to place you with someone of a similar cultural background to you. We place you within our guidelines for travel to your education Provider, your age and the availability of public transport services to get you safely to and from school, college or university.
Australia is a culturally diverse nation, and we embrace the many cultures that these different nations have introduced into our beautiful country. You will be placed with a family that speaks English and has resided in Australia for many years, however, please remember that everyone comes from somewhere. Sydney is home to people from over 140 countries around the world.
This means that we have families of English, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, American, and French backgrounds, just to name a few. You are welcome to state on your application if you do not wish to have a homestay with a particular nationality.
You may find that regardless of your host family’s cultural background, they will prepare meals as diverse as a stir-fry to a traditional Sunday roast or even baking their own bread. If you have special dietary needs or prefer specific foods, let us know in your application, and please tell your host family as well, as this will help with your integration into your family for the duration of your stay.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us either by email, telephone or send an enquiry from our contact page.
All About Homestay Fees
All About Homestay is a business of the Homestay Network.
Homestay Network is the original and most respected homestay accommodation facilitator for national and international students seeking accommodation in Australia for their education needs.
We offer competitive rates for you to stay with our qualified and experineced host families.

FAQS For Students
What can I expect as a student upon arrival at my host family?
Your new Homestay family welcomes you! Do not worry if you cannot remember everyone's names at first. It usually takes a week to settle in and get to know each other, so give yourself time to adjust. Bring lots of photos from home as your host family will be interested in seeing your family and your home town. On your first day at school, your host family will make sure you know your way around, to and from school and on public transport.
Does All About Homestay perform a background check on hosts?
Hosting students falls under the Childrens and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 NSW, and other similar Acts in all Australian States and Territories. As a prescribed service provider, All About Homestay takes its legal obligations seriously; therefore, we conduct the appropriate Working With Children Checks in each state we operate in, and National Police checks on ALL our families. Before we place students or guests with any host family, we require the Working With Children Check to be conducted on all persons living at the address who are over 18 years of age.
What about food?
The most significant adjustment to life in Australia for most students is getting used to Aussie food. Be positive and optimistic about your new food adventure. You may be pleasantly surprised!
Do the meals include breakfast and dinner seven days per week?
Your host family does not supply your midday meals, however, most schools have a canteen where you can purchase lunch quite inexpensively. If you require lunches during the week, some families can supply this for an extra cost. Always let your family know if you have any food dislikes or allergies. You can drop hints about your favourite foods too. If you decide to request lunches, it may be that lunches on the weekend are ‘help yourself’.
How long can I stay?
Our minimum homestay is four weeks. On leaving homestay the host must be given two weeks notice or paid two weeks in lieu of notice. You are able to stay as long as you and the homestay family are in agreement and comfortable.
What about housework?
Be courteous and helpful in your new environment and you will have a happy homestay experience, being positive always helps. Commonly, in Australian families, all family members help around the home. Each morning you should make your bed and tidy your room. You will be helped to change your bed linen. In Australia, most families put washing outside to dry and not in dryers, this is due to Australia usually having very hot summers and mild winters. Never hang wet clothes in your bedroom or bathroom. Always look for ways to help your host family and they will appreciate your willingness and consideration to help and be part of the family.
Am I able to smoke in the host’s home?
You will need to advise All About Homestay if you smoke, as we will need to ensure you are placed with a family that is okay with you smoking.
If you are a smoker, smoking is never permitted inside your bedroom as it could cause a fire and will make the house smell.
You can often smoke outside the house or on a veranda or balcony if the family agrees for you to smoke.
Will I have house keys?
Students will be given house keys, never put your address on the key ring holder. If you are the last person to leave the house, please make sure your window is closed and locked, as well as exterior doors for security reasons.
Will I be able to access the telephone and internet?
Internet access at your host's home is included in your homestay fees.
Telephone use will be at the discretion of the host parents, students should seek permission to make calls to mobiles and overseas and reimburse the host family for the cost of calls or purchase a calling card. You should keep a list of any local phone calls you make. Alternatively, you may purchase a mobile phone or an Australian SIM card for your existing mobile phone.
Public Transport Information
Public transport is often the best way to move around Australia’s capital cities. Each city has an extensive public transport network. We recommend, where possible that students and guests use the public transport system to move between their host’s home and their educational institution.
NSW Public Transport has a vast network of buses, ferries, trains and light rail to move students to and from educational institutions and their hosts.
NSW uses the Opal Card system for travelling on the bus, train and ferry, including the city light rail. This link will help you determine the correct ticket for your transport needs during your stay in Sydney. Please be careful to buy the correct Opal Card type.
Note: Fares are changed annually on the 2nd of January each year.
To find out more about Opal, including benefits, fare details and how to use your Opal card, visit one of the 10 multicultural support pages.
Routes, timetables, ticketing and other useful information for international students can be found via NSW Transport Information.
Public Transport Authority, Victoria is responsible for an extensive network of public and privately operated tram, bus and rail networks across Victoria. The public transportation system in Melbourne uses the Myki system to pay for travel on the public transport network.
Public Transport in Brisbane is operated through a combination of Local Government, State Government and private operators. The public transport system in Brisbane uses the Go Card system to pay for travel on the Brisbane public transport network.
Public Transport in Canberra is operated by ACTION, part of the ACT Department of Transport. The public transport system in Canberra uses the “MyWay” system to pay for travel on the ACTION transport network.
Public transport in Perth is managed by TransPerth, part of the Western Australian Department of Transport. The public transport system in Perth uses the Smart Rider system to pay for travel on the TransPerth network.